Short-Term Finance

We can provide services to the following clients: partnerships of four or more people; trusts and charities; limited companies and public limited companies. We regret we cannot assist sole traders and partnerships of under four people.
Tight completion deadlines or a temporary cash shortfall can mean that a business needs a bridging loan or other short-term finance in a hurry.
At CMM Rural, we understand that access to short-term funding can be a lifeline to rural businesses and essential for the success of certain transactions.
Where speed is of the essence, we deal with innovative but established lenders that can cut short the delays and complexities that often arise when borrowing from banks.
In addition to mainstream bridging finance, routes to market include:
- Short-term loans – available to credit-worthy firms via crowdfunders, a fast-growing lending sector in the UK that allows ordinary savers to back small businesses. Investors compete to lend money via an auction with the lowest bid winning, so interest rates can be attractive.
- Another established lender provides loans for up to six months against valuables such as antiques, prestige cars, jewellery, upmarket watches and the like without the need for credit checks.
- Invoice finance can open up a line of short-term funding via specialist firms that provide a percentage of the value of your outstanding invoices and pay the balance, less charges, once the debt is settled. Our main contact in this area offers a ‘use-it-as-you-need-it’ facility, so you can raise cash on just one substantial outstanding invoice, if and when the need arises.
Our lenders include High Street names and specialist firms that have stood the test of time in our dealings with them.
Because we are committed to getting to know you and to understanding your short-term finance needs, we won’t waste your time with promises that can’t be delivered.
From initial contact to completion a dedicated member of our team will be there to guide you through any complexities and to keep you updated.
Your Next Step
…is for you to send us your enquiry. We will then:
- Contact you at a convenient time
- Gather the relevant information
- Negotiate with lenders
- Report the findings
- Guide you through the complexities
- Assist you to a successful completion