
Maize stubble alert

Posted at October 22, 2015 | By : | Categories : Farming,News | Comments Off on Maize stubble alert

The Environment Agency is urging farmers to cultivate maize stubble as soon as possible before any wet weather sets in. Apparently, stubble left in after harvest can lead to excessive runoff, causing localised flooding and where large amounts of soil enter a watercourse this can cause a pollution incident.

The Agency comments: “We have been running a number of awareness campaigns highlighting the problems and … new rules are also now in place where farmers can have farm payment monies withheld if they cause soil erosion.

“In spite of the later than normal harvest, our advice is still the same – cultivate maize stubble immediately after harvest to remove compacted wheel ruts to allow water to soak into the soil, and if necessary leave a rough surface over the winter period.”



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